Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 Beauty Tips

beauty tips
Most people make new year's resolutions to get in better shape or eat better. But a lot of people use the start of a new year to create a whole new look for themselves. If you have been struggling, for whatever reason, finding the perfect beauty routine for your lifestyle, there are simple changes you can make right now to look your best. Here are a few of our beauty tips to help you in the new year!

Consistency. The most important of all beauty tips is to stick with a routine with your skin care. Great skin does not happen overnight. Even the strongest skin care products need time to do their magic. It's important to find what works and what doesn't work for you, but don't become frustrated if you don't see results in a few weeks. Some products can take anywhere from three to six weeks to transform your skin.

Hydrate. Sometimes popular beauty tips cost money. This one is free (except for a utility expense). Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your skin. A lot of people think that water will hydrate the skin alone. That is not true (you'll need a skin moisturizer for that). Water hydrates the body, not the skin. But drinking water has been shown to limit acne. If you are dehydrated you skin will also look dry and wrinkled.

Wash Your Hair
. Washing your hair twice a day is important, especially if you live in a humid climate. During the day your hair is exposed to a lot of humidity as well as normal bodily fluids and impurities in the air, like dirt. Washing them out will help curb thinning hair. At night dead cells can accumulate in the scalp which can damage hair follicles.

Use More Masks. Masks can be cumbersome however they get results. A yogurt, avocado and honey mask is a great way to improve your skin. Avocado will help hydrate the skin (as does the honey) and the yogurt acts as an anti-inflammatory for your face. Mint julep masks are growing in popularity to help with acne as well as giving your face a sweet scent! You can make these masks yourself or find them for under $20.

These are just a few of our beauty tips to help you look your best this year! Have your own? Send us a comment here or on Facebook!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the tips are so useful to keep the skin fresh,healthy and glowing. I am starting to implement all those tips on myself.

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